Employee Committee Opportunities

  • Academic Council



    Academic Council Charter


    • Matthew Badtke
    • Jacklyn Burkhard
    • Edward Burkhead
    • Todd Butler
    • Julie Hand
    • Christie Hughes
    • Kristi Laird
    • Thomas Largent
    • Sara Main
    • Erin Mazur
    • Zakary McNitt
    • Brian Newberry
    • Allison Price
    • Heather Ruttkofsky
    • Deborah Schissler
    • Steven Tuckey
    • Ashley VanHeest
    • Patricia Visser
    • Stephan Waffle-Stephenson
    • Kristin Stockbridge
    • Jamie Vandenburgh
    • Daniel Phelan
    • Jennifer Mikesell

    Meeting Times

    • Second Monday of the Month at 3 p.m.
    • Meeting Place: Virtual


  • Accreditation Committee



    Accreditation Committee Information


  • Assessment Committee


    提供评估学生课程学习成果的框架, program/discipline, and college level.

    Committee Chair: Christy Hughes, Allison Price

    Assessment Information Assessment Council Charter


    • Aaron Ensley
    • Allison Price
    • Ashley VanHeest
    • Christie Hughes
    • Clevester Moten
    • Curtis Blankespoor
    • Deborah Schissler
    • Edward Burkhead
    • Geraldine Jacobs
    • Heather Ruttkofsky
    • Jennifer Mikesell
    • Justin Gaeta
    • Lindsay Mercer
    • Mona Baarson
    • Shirin Kambin
    • Todd Butler

    Meeting Times

    • First Friday of the Month at 10 a.m.
    • Meeting Place: Virtual
  • Curriculum Committee


    课程委员会确保所有学分课程的学术诚信和货币, all degrees and certificates.

    Committee Co-Chairs:  Kristin Stockbridge, John Ireland

    Curriculum Committee Charter

    Meeting Times

    • First Monday of the Month at 3pm.
    • Meeting Place: Virtual
  • Data Governance


    • Identify, establish and oversee the strategy, 旨在确保关键数据质量的目标和政策, 主要关注那些用于向外部机构进行合规报告的数据
    • 调整学院的数据管理实践和使用政策,以允许跨系统和办公室的双向数据和信息流, departments and divisions
    • 调整外部遵从性报告指示, data definitions, and requirements to the data entry, aggregation, and coding of the college’s data
    • 建立并维护数据定义字典和编码标准,以满足学院重要的外部合规性和内部操作报告要求,并供Webi超级用户使用
    • Identify, 根据已建立的数据定义和标准,建立和监督数据输入级别和背景数据的数据更正流程
    • Define, develop and document data metrics, and changes to the metrics, 用于外部和内部报告, e.g., Balanced Scorecard, Achieving the Dream, Voluntary Framework for Accountability, BCH reports, persistence/retention reports, etc.
    Data Governance Committee Information
  • Facilities Liaisons


    • 促进设施和全球网络赌博平台社区之间的关系.
    • 获得设施、系统和资源的最佳使用.
    • 支持了解当前和正在开发的校园设施全球网络赌博平台.
    • 促进设施和全球网络赌博平台社区之间的沟通.

    Committee Chair: Jim Jones



  • 学院专业发展委员会

    Committee Chair: Steven Tuckey

  • IT Liaisons


    • 促进信息技术和全球网络赌博平台社区之间的关系.
    • 获得IT系统和资源的最佳使用.
    • 支持对当前和新兴校园技术的理解.
    • 促进信息技术和全球网络赌博平台社区之间的沟通.


  • Workforce Focus


    • 研究并推荐员工参与和满意度的最佳实践
    • 与人力资源厅一起建议一项包括能力评估在内的人力资源年度计划, 继任计划和能力评估.
    • Establish workforce behavior standards
    • 审核并推荐年度绩效评估和员工能力评估的内容和格式
    • 为专业发展制定指导方针并推荐年度计划

    Committee Chair: Cindy Allen

    Workforce Focus Committee Charter